Ya I just wanted to hold up a contest.
Also, I got a weird glitch o.o
Umm, you can ignore what their saying I was too lazy to blur xD
A few updates for the store items:
Den items:
From left to right:
Earth Day Banner, Tether Ball, Bean Bag Toss, Horse shoe Set, Pinwheel, and Rope.
I like the the tetherball, bean bag toss, and pin wheel. The rope and horse shoe set really would stand out for a cowboy den/costume.
Clothes items:
Nothing that new to the regular store, but here
Baseball cap, and baseball cleats. I like the cap 8D
And.. Epic wonders is a tuxedo o3o Also a hood with a feather
The hood with a feather would be really good to save for halloween. Or maybe even now. Because, it would be good for a Robin (I kind of forgot his name, not sure if I'm right o.o He steals from the rich and gives to the poor)? costume. Well, that's basically it for today :) See ya!