Sunday, April 21, 2013

Contest Winner :/ + Updates

Umm.. Sorry I haven't been posting >.< I have other blogs you know. Anyways you came here to see the winner and you see the winner. Congratulations Mia776! She won because well, she got everything right. And plus she was the only one to enter :P I don't care though, she won a red top hat.  Her Entry:

Ya I just wanted to hold up a contest.

Also, I got a weird glitch o.o

Umm, you can ignore what their saying I was too lazy to blur xD

A few updates for the store items:
Den items:
From left to right:
Earth Day Banner, Tether Ball, Bean Bag Toss, Horse shoe Set, Pinwheel, and Rope.
I like the the tetherball, bean bag toss, and pin wheel. The rope and horse shoe set really would stand out for a cowboy den/costume.

Clothes items: 
Nothing that new to the regular store, but here
Baseball cap, and baseball cleats. I like the cap 8D
And.. Epic wonders is a tuxedo o3o Also a hood with a feather

The hood with a feather would be really good to save for halloween. Or maybe even now. Because, it would be good for a Robin (I kind of forgot his name, not sure if I'm right o.o He steals from the rich and gives to the poor)? costume. Well, that's basically it for today :) See ya!