Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Scammers and Users. (Also a glitch)

Ok, first topic. Scammers.
You know why!? It's because scammers are stupid. They don't pay attention to the real reason AJ was created. It's aaaaaaallll about the raaaaares -.- The real reason I actually play AJ is for friends. I only collect rares cause it's fun. And I just like their colors and looks. But people take rares like the end of the world. I tell you what, I give away some of my good rares like my top or something. CAUSE. I. DON'T. CARE. I gave my freedom wings away. Don't believe me?! Go ask the person who I gave it to. "InternationalCoats"
Want more pathetic rares? Why not just go to my face on AJ and say: "CAN I HAVE A RARE. ITS THE END OF THE WORLD IF I DONT GET IT." Now some people are getting rares only to become popular and get more attention. And if you ask me, the plan is working. Now jammers without rares want to be friends and try to play with a rare jammer like this,

Unrare Jammer: "Hey can we be friends? You seem soo nice! :D"

Rare One: "No way, your so stupid. All you have is some dumb tie and a glove."

Guess what. I don't care. Some of my buddies don't have a lot of rares. In fact, one of them JUST STARTED. I met them because I was helping them. And they were A LOT nicer then actual rare popular jammers. I don't care if I'm rare. I don't care if I lose all my rares. I don't care how popular I become. The only thing that matters to me is friends. To be honest with you I really like the top hat (non member one) on foxes. They look cuter then the actual "rare" ones. I wish I could spend my life with my friends. I don't wanna be busy. Guys, I understand you collect rares, but keep in mind the real reason AJ was created was for friends and learning.
OFF WITH THAT TOPIC *Crumbles Topic and Throws it Out* (Seriously that topic is important though o.o)

Next topic, Usernames!!!
I'm not saying this is a bad topic, it's a fun topic. I find a lot of food user names! Like "Toast, Cottoncandy77, BrowniesForLife0, Doughnutt" It's funny! I like to make user names like UnicornsGoRawr or FlyingNyans, FuzzyUnicornFeet. I don't care if you make those your user names. Want to tell me your user names? And how you got it? (If you want) It's such a blast trying to make one without numbers and stuff. It's like a challenge. You can't use the same user name, and I can understand why :P If you want to tell me your user below just tell me your user name and how you got it if you want. Plus anyone can comment if you didn't notice, so you can comment without logging in.
Oh yea I went to go see my friend and I was gonna follow her, then this happend.
Her name tag isn't tempAvt. I had this happen a lot. I hope AJ fixes this!
Anyways that's all. Bye~

1 comment:

  1. Omg Axe <3 This post is so true :3 -LegitPandas
